Why Aren't Christians Engaged in Sharing the Gospel
It is a fact that we are not evangelizing as much as we should. But why? Is there any such thing as a politically correct way of sharing the gospel with unsaved souls that we meet everyday? Are there consequences for our failure to tell the world that Jesus is Lord? What are those consequences? What are the rewards (if any) of soul winning?
I hate to admit it but am as guilty as anyone - maybe even worse - on this issue of not preaching the gospel. I can't remember when I last opened my mouth to share the love of Christ with anyone, not to talk about leading any to Christ. There is no good reason for it at all. I meet unbelievers every single day. They are at work, on the metro, in the grocery store, everywhere. I'll rather talk about the hot summer weather than let them know they risk going to hell fire. This probably reflects my spiritual state of health - lukewarm and insensitive to the urging of the Holy Spirit. I'm kinda sucked up to the society in which I live and encoumbered with the cares of this world - my job, my family, myself, my bills, my, my, my......
I just thank God for this blog and the opportunity to say this like I never did before. On the outside I look good and smell good, but I know I need God to help me get over the sluggishness in my spiritual life - I need a revival in my soul. I need the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn away anything that is not of Him in my life. That I may focus and put greater emphasis on what matters most - seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness.
Well that's me...
I have an upcoming article in Dec dealing with this issue. I'll email you a copy.
God bless you XtianDoctrine :)
Check out this link:
Have you heard of him:His account of persecution, escape but most of all his faith inspires obedience to following God. On 26th February 2004, 1500 people packed out Great St Mary's Church to hear the remarkable testimony of Brother Yun and Brother Peter Xu. Brother Yun is one of China's house church leaders, a man who despite his relative youth has suffered prolonged torture and imprisionment for his faith. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, however, Yun prefers to emphasize the character and beauty of Jesus. His story was told in the best selling Christian book of 2003 - The Heavenly Man by Paul Hattaway. Accompanying Brother Yun was Peter Xu, a house church leader who was imprisoned with Brother Yun in 1997 in Zhengzhou Number One maximum security prison, when Brother Yun had a miraculous escape.
Have you heard of the message preached by Jonathan Edwards, 250 years ago, titled Sinners in the hand of an angry God?
There's no need for God to be merciful if there's no eternal wrath to fear. There's no need for God to show grace to human beings if there's nothing bad enough in human beings to warrant divine punishment. It is impossible to adequately discuss God's mercy and grace without also dwelling very intently on the wretchedness of man and the divine justice that must be exacted if we believe that God is perfectly holy.
Jonathan Edwards was invited to preach at a church that was spiritually dead and dominated by a spirit of skepticism and a deeply entrenched disbelief in the need for radical personal conversion. Such is the attitude that can be found in America, and in many churches, today. Yet contrary to what happens each Sunday in these kind of churches all across America, the preacher at this particular church found such comfortable skepticism not to be a virtue of an enlightened congregation, but as a cancer that ensured that many in his church would go unsaved if things didn't change. Jonathan Edward's sermon to this church on that day changed the people in that church and made a lasting impact on American Christianity that is felt to this day.
Edwards was not considered a charismatic orator. He read his sermons, and when he looked up at all it was to stare at the rope for the church bell on the back wall. He knew that in order for lost sinners to come to Christ, their only hope for salvation, they must first be brought to the realization of the desperate state they were in and the horrendous eternal consequences of it. He brought many of his listeners to that realization this day with “remarkable effect.” Such was the power and passion of his words that moans and groans filled the sanctuary and people fainted as he spoke.
Reminds me of president Bush... LOL. Cry wolfe wolfe... fire fire on the mountain....LOL... Sorry I cannot help myself just had lunch...(high sugar levels). Jonathan Edwards methods scary them enough to come to Christ... ingenious...
On a lighter note: check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6zdihmwy1M
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