Open discussion...why do we find it so difficult to trust God completely?
Have you ever had a moment in your life when you found it a bit difficult to trust God completely on one or several issues? I'm in one of those moments now....and I've been asking myself WHY? Why am I finding it so hard to completely and totally trust God on these issues? Why is it so difficult to take Him completely at His Word? I know what the Word says....I go to God in prayer armed with His Word....I have seen God move in miraculous ways in my life countless times...I recall past victories in my life and tell myself God has not changed....He is the same God...He is the All-sufficient Almighty God...I go on and on confessing the Word regularly..."I stagger not at the promises of God through unbelief, but I am strong in faith, giving glory to God, being fully persuaded that what God has promised, He is also able to perform"....and on and on....but yet, sometimes I begin to waver in my trust...the simple evidence...worry and I began to critically examine myself (cos we all know there's nothing wrong with God) to find out why I was still worrying when I should be trusting...this self examination is still an ongoing exercise, but I have come up with one explanation...even though I'm looking up to God and declaring His Word, I am at the same time looking at my circumstances and seeing how everything seems bleak and we all know that the Bible says "We walk by faith and not by sight" what is happening here is that I'm trying to walk both by faith and by sight...and the 2 are clashing...if I am to really trust God completely, I have to take my eyes completely off what I can this is where the problem is. Hhmmm. So I was wondering if anybody has any similar experience with trusting God and what other explanations people have for not being able to trust God completely....or maybe I'm the only one experiencing this?? Please let us discuss this...looking forward to reading your comments.
You are not alone at all.
Time...or rather our concept of the challenge. We hate to wait. The waiting period is treacherous to our fragile faith. Doubts, like angry lava from a molten volcano, flows through the vessels of our soul burning and melting away at our resolve and all that we know to be true about God's faithfulness.
But we must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think.
This same goes here. With me there is always a Plan B consciously or unconsciously. It is tough to wait on God, but it is the wisest thing to do.
As long as we remain in this human body, we'll always have to engage in that battle.
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